How to do a Plant Meditation
Dose Of Meditation
How to do a Plant Meditation:1. Create a space that is quiet and sacred to you. This could be in your home or your backyard or anywhere you can be alone and away from any distractions or noise. If available, light a blessing herb like Copal, Palo Santo or Myrhh to cleanse your space and as an offering to the plant you will be journeying with.
2. Now that your space is cleansed and the vibes are high, close your eyes and settle in by taking deep breathes through the nose and exhaling out the mouth. Take at least 3-5 deep breathes relaxing your body, allow any tension from your shoulders or jaw to melt away.3. If you are meditating with a live plant outdoors, bring your face close to the plants roots, flowers or leaves. If you are meditating with a plant as a tea, bring the cup up to your nose.
4. Begin to take deep breathes acknowledging that you are inhaling the exhale of this plant and that your exhale is the inhale of the plant. Continue to breathe with this plant until your energy is fused into that of the plant.
5. Begin to introduce yourself to this plant, sharing your intention whether that is to receive healing or a message. Also, offer prayers of gratitude.6. As you begin to sip your tea, feel into what areas of your body you feel like the medicine of this plant is flowing into. Bringing your awareness to how your body is reacting.
7. Ask the plant to show you what type of healing it is there to do or if it has any messages for you.
8. Pay attention to any colors, images, sounds or memories that come into your consciousness.
9. Continue to allow your heart to expand with each breath and sip of the plant you take in.
10. Once you feel a message has come through or you have received a sort of healing (sometimes neither of these will happen too and that is okay) write down in a journal any and everything that came through. You will be surprised how much plants speak to us through our physical experiences. Blessed be!